About Us

Estimondo GmbH is a recently established independent provider of expert services in the areas of statistics and statistical programming predominantly for, but not limited to, the healthcare industry.

Our service portfolio covers statistical writing, programming and analysis services, both outsourced and insourced. An extension of workload capacities is made possible at any time by a network of more than 100 experts in the field, predominantly statisticians and statistical programmers, associated with us and trained on our procedures and systems. Neighbouring disciplines like data management and medical writing are covered by business partners as well as experts from the network.

All these activities are managed by central one-contact project management provided by Estimondo. We are there for you from planning via conduct, analysis and reporting to publication of your data-centric projects.

Advanced Statistical Design and Analysis

The founders of Estimondo GmbH have been in the industry for more than two decades. If you have an experiment, such as a clinical study, to plan and prepare, we are more than happy to support you in choices of design, scope and data collection.

This includes adaptive and group-sequential design, whether frequentist or Bayesian. Special designs include, but are not limited to, factorial designs, changeover designs, withdrawal designs, and response-adaptive designs. Furthermore, we are the experts determining and justifying the required size of samples in your experiments. Among the broad range of statistical methods to be applied in the analysis stage, we are capable to recommend, apply and interpret them aligned to your research needs to be addressed.

Among the most special and upcoming approaches, we perform any kind of mixed models including random-coefficient and other repeated-measures models, time-to-event analysis in the presence of time-dependent covariates, investigation of causal effects by means of rank-perceiving structured failure time models or inverse probability weighting, and pattern mixture modelling and multiple imputation techniques to consider missing data in sensitivity analyses, to give only very few examples of a long list. Please contact us for more details.

SPECS – Metadata-Driven Statistical Programming

At Estimondo, we have developed a Statistical Programming Environment for Clinical Studies (SPECS), which is based on a bulk of metadata per project allowing us to set up the framework for analysis and reporting by means of analysis data sets, summary tables, graphs and data listings very fast and to partly automate the development and production of very reliable high-quality statistical output deliverables, while keeping and maintaining the flexibility to fully adapt to your specific needs.

Numerical results are separated from output layout specifications to improve comparing independent double programming and varying formatting. All our programming activities are transparent, validated and fully documented including the provision of log files and source codes. Please contact us to learn more about SPECS.

NEWS – Metadata-Driven Statistical Expert Writing

Statistics is a discipline in support of other disciplines particularly in scientific research. Apart from statistical programming activities producing tables of aggregated data and statistical test results, essential deliverables like statistical analysis plans are the most important products of Estimondo. So are contributions to protocols and reports by describing statistical methods planned and applied. These activities are based on project metadata enabling semi-automation of scientific texts via our innovative Neural Expert Writing System (NEWS) speeding up the process of creating and delivering scientific documents of utmost integrity. Please contact us to learn more about NEWS.

Statistics and Statistical Programming Services Tailored to your Needs

Based on our SPECS and NEWS systems, detailed statistical programming specifications documents and output mock versions are allowing clients to see precisely what they will get, to express specific requirements and to review the deliverables against those specifications. Our systems, together with well-established and efficient quality control and assurance instruments in place, and the metadata-driven approach allow us to consider, meet and exceed all your expectations in a very timely manner.

Whether you are looking for taking main project responsibility and accountability in terms of statistics or strategic or ad-hoc support in statistical data monitoring or exploratory analysis, or as an independent statistics unit, please contact us. We will be happy to present our service portfolio in more detail and to prepare budgets and proposals based on your interest and request.